Saturday, April 2, 2011

Another title? Geebus.

Yeah, hi. So. I started this blog because I get these outbursts where I need to write stuff down in some vain hope that someone might somehow agree with me or find what I say to be entertaining and worthy of discussion. No pressure.

My friend's dad keeps on me about keeping a journal but writing makes my hand hurt, but I can throw out way more words if I type. Although this capitalization is killing me. Too many years of gaming where no one cares. Yes, I said it. I do play video games. Mainly World of Warcraft. Yeah, I'm THAT person. Actually we're THOSE people, since my husband is also a "gamer". He also paints and assembles small models (although not in that order. that would be stupid.) for tabletop games.

We recently moved with our 3 kids to North Carolina. We moved from Pennsylvania. Can I just say I LOVE the weather in the south? Where we came from it was literally winter or some form of winter about 8 months of the year. Maybe 30 days of sunshine total all year round. It was miserable. I suffer from depression, so I'm sure you can imagine how deliriously happy I was all the time. I also hate snow and being cold. Considering it didn't even hit 70s till the middle of June if we were lucky, I'd say the weather here in NC is a considerable upgrade.

I tell you all that to tell you this: we do not fit in anywhere.

We do not like sports. We do not like Nascar. We like video games. We are so pale we glow in the dark. Granted, most of that is genetic, but it's still kinda sad. We go out to dinner on our once-every-5-months-if-we're-lucky dates and we talk about WoW. Maybe half the time we talk about the kids, but that's about it. We've become those parents. I'm ok with that.

Also, I ramble. I go off on tangents. I make no sense the majority of the time I talk. I try too hard to be funny. I have opinions that generally do not go over well, and I'm not afraid to voice them. I think people get good first impressions of me over the internet, then dislike me intensely after about a week. This is because I suck.

But if you've got nothing else to read, I can write lots of words for you.

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